Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Crazy Sunday!

I work at Mesa Air and I usually don't work on Sundays, but I had to today and what a day it was! First of all my alarm did not go off or if it did I don't remember turning it off. Since I was late I parked upstairs not where I usually park (had to pay!)
After a crazy morning of bad weather and cancellations. I was headed home to make it to Sunday school and Relief Society and like an old horse wanting to get straight home I forgot I parked upstairs! But, not realizing it until the bus driver asked me if I was on the wrong bus. I missed Sunday school but made it to Relief Society. I was sitting on the front row and got a tickle in my throat and could not stop coughing I finally ended up just leaving.
The moral of this story is don't work on SUNDAYS!
I had a wonderful afternoon Paige and Rex and the kids came over for a visit. We e-mailed Jack, and Paige and I read Brooke's blog we fell in love!!! And it got us excited to do our own.
So here I am!
I went out to Brooke and Mike's for dinner, Mike grilled yummy ribs and homemade rolls YUM!
After we got the kids in bed Brooke helped me get my blog started.

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