Monday, April 7, 2008

Family Togetherness

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you
call it, whoever you are, you need one." Jane Howard

I grew up in a wonderful family, I just loved being with them. Here are 5 things I remember.

  1. We loved playing board games on the Christmas break and during the summer-- clue, monopoly, sorry, and risk!
  2. We always took wonderful summer vacations---one year we took a month long trip back east with my grandparents. We saw historical places, and met friends and cousins I never knew before.
  3. We built a family cabin at forest lakes---we learned how to wallpaper and put tile down. What fun we had learning together!
  4. We went to church every Sunday in our station wagon---I loved getting dressed up and going to town. Even now, Sunday is my favorite day of the week ---being uplifted at church and being with my family the rest of the day!
  5. We loved homemade ice cream---my mom would make tutti-fruitti and we would take turns cranking the handle---well before we got the electric one!

I know I'm lucky. There was a lot of laughing and teasing in our house , and we knew we were loved by very special parents! Now our family is growing and we have some of the same traditions I had growing up and what a crazy time we have together!

Hey, wasn't President Monson great again in the afternoon session of conference? What a sweet humble man and I love his sense of humor. And what love he has for his wife!


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

loved, loved Conference! couldn't get enough of it.. Loved Bro. Bedinars talk and what he said about Missioanry work (of course i have to, that is my newest calling "ward Missionary" ha i know i laughed too! I told our Bishop that i think he was praying about someone else! actually it has been fun.. looks like you guys have some great family time together..

Paige said...

what a great post i love being in such a close family and sundays are so fun for me too. yes conference was great. i think pres.monson is so sweet.

Bridget and Dustin said...

Love the cute pictures of the family. I loved conference and all the great talks. Pres. Monson is so great and so sweet.

Cheryl said...

Fun to hear all the family memories. I loved conference too and I agree President Monson is such a sweet man with a great sense of humor!