Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Jack!

Happy Birthday Jack!
You have been such a delight in our life! We were so excited to have a baby boy come into our lives after 3 girls. Mark was the assistant scoutmaster at the time and everyone at church was so excited for us too! So much that the scoutmaster's wife made you a scout uniform out of a cabbage patch pattern, complete with socks and hat.( I wish I could scan the picture so everyone could see how cute it was) When I think of you, I think fun, fun, fun and happy, happy happy! You loved the movie Bambi when you were around 18 months you would watch it and say"Bambi get up" when his Mom died. You loved Hop on Pop and you were really good at memorizing. When you were 3 you would recite a poem the girls were learning for Young Women's.
"What Counts"
It isn't the money you're making, it isn't
the clothes you wear,
And it isn't the skill of your good right
hand which makes folks really care.
It's the smile on your face and the light of
your eye.
And the burdens that you bear.
You really did have a great smile and a twinkle in your eye when you would say it too!
And now you have made us so proud with all you have accomplished.We wish happiness and craziness and send you our love. Hope you had a great birthday. Love You!


Cheryl said...

Happy birthday Jack! I remember how cute he looked in that little scout uniform. He was such a happy baby and everyone loved to hold him. Now he is such a handsome young man. I hope you have a great day!!

Webb Family said...

I hope JAck had a great day! He sure makes our family fun & exciting.

Paige said...

hope you had a wonderful birthday. love ya!

Crazymamaof6 said...

Happy Birthday Jack! what a sweet post! he sure is a cute guy!

Cindy said...

I hope Jack had a fun birthday!! He is such a handsome young man and I am so happy for him being engaged.

Emily Webb said...

Happy birthday!! Crazy how fast time flies by! I remember when Rex and Paige got married and he was so little!

Bridget and Dustin said...

Happy Birthday Jack! I hope he had a great day! We love you!